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Physical and Psychological Causes of Sexual Impotence in Men

Physical and Psychological Causes of Sexual Impotence in Men

What is impotence?

Impotence is when the penis cannot become hard enough for sexual intercourse. It is often possible for this dysfunction to occur once or at regular intervals. Therefore, to call the condition impotence, aka erectile dysfunction, the problem of erection must constantly recur.

What is the incidence of impotence in society?

"Sexual power" is a rather important topic for many men. For this reason, issues such as reduction or loss of penis hardening do not come up much. But with the research carried out, it has been found that the problem of impotence is observed in one out of every ten men. Of course, this frequency is also associated with age. This rate, which is quite low in young segments, increases depending on age.

Only 10% of people with impotence problems (erectile dysfunction) are looking for a cure for this problem. The reason why the remaining percentage who are not looking for a cure for their problem is so large is a sense of shyness, a desire not to know about their problem to someone else, and they do not know that there is a cure for this problem.

What causes impotence?

This situation, which can be encountered in many people due to stress, fatigue, or excessive alcohol use, is not something to be worried about. If this situation is very obsessed and problematic, psychological disorders also arise with the “fear of failure” that will be added to the general mood. That's why you should not postpone consulting a specialist. If you postpone, the problem may become permanent with psychological concerns that will be added to this discomfort that can be solved. Suppose we want to give an example, during each sexual union. In that case, the "failure" experienced in the previous union will be remembered, and the penis will not harden with the fear of repeating this failure.

Since not much was known about impotence until 20 years ago, it was based on psychological reasons. Over time, research has shown that 70% of the causes are organic, that is, physical causes.

What are the physical causes?

The organic causes are;

  1. Reduction of blood flow to the penis with narrowing of the arteries
  2. The veins cannot close at the moment they should close, and the incoming blood is missed
  3. Damage to the vessels of the penis
  4. Hormonal disorder
  5. Side effects of the drugs used
  6. Excessive alcohol use and drug addiction
  7. Diabetics
  8. Excessive smoking
  9. High cholesterol disorder
  10. Disorders that will affect the nervous system, such as cerebral hemorrhage
  11. Chronic conditions such as kidney and liver failure

 What are the psychological causes?

If a man's hardening problem arises later, it can be based on psychological reasons due to the different associations experienced. For example, sexual incompatibility with the sexual partner, being stopped by the partner during sex, social life problems, and so on. These reasons can be continued as follows;

  1. Having doubts about having and giving satisfaction during sexual intercourse
  2. Depression
  3. The situation of experiencing sexual intercourse in an inappropriate environment
  4. Lack of knowledge and experience in sexual intercourse

Is there a cure for impotence?

The most important point people faced with this problem should know is that the problem can be solved. It is important to know that there is a treatment, even if the problem is physical, so that psychological causes are not added, just as the "fear of success" mentioned above leads to severe consequences by adding to the existing physical causes.

What can be offered to those who experience impotence?

Problems get smaller as they are shared. Often, women can create psychological problems unintentionally because of their partner's erection problem. Perhaps discussing the problem and discussing it if necessary will eliminate it. Talking and sharing also cure sexual incompatibility, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation.

Updated at : 15-09-2022

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