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Brain and Nerve Surgery

In our Brain and Nerve Surgery department, world-class innovations are followed, and efforts are made to bring up-to-date technology and equipment to our country and our hospital. As an educational institution hospital, we think that all of our work is for people first, and we work in harmony with many Neurological branches such as Neurology, Neuroradiology, Neuroanesthesia, and Psychiatry.

  • Spinal cord tumours
  • Spinal canal stenosis (spinal stenosis)
  • Tumors of peripheral nerves and nerve sheaths
  • Benign and malignant brain and meninges tumours
  • Pediatric neurosurgery (congenital spine and spinal cord openings)
  • Diseases that disrupt the structure and balance of the spine (lumbar shift)
  • Surgical treatment of neck vascular occlusions (such as carotid stenosis)
  • Peripheral nerve compressions (such as carpal tunnel, ulnar groove syndrome)
  • Lumbar and neck hernias (treatment with microsurgery and endoscopic surgery)
  • Treatment of diseases that cause adult hydrocephalus (such as normal pressure hydrocephalus)
  • Functional neurosurgery (surgery for movement disorders, especially Parkinson's) treatments
  • Traumas affecting the nervous system (head and spine injuries, nerve cuts)
  • Treatment of cerebral haemorrhages, cerebrovascular diseases (intracranial aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, cavernomas)
  • Epilepsy surgery (for patients who cannot be treated with medication or who may benefit primarily from surgical treatment)
  • Surgical treatment of appropriate spastic patients (such as baclofen pump placement, nerve stimulator application)
  • Minimally invasive surgical procedures for pain (facet block, intradiscal electrotherapy, cordotomy, rhizotomy)