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We're Here For You 7/24

Emergency Service

At the Emergency Service of Okan University Hospital, physicians and healthcare personnel specialised in their fields serve.

Supported by all of the branches serving in the daytime at the hospital, the Emergency is supported at night by anaesthesia, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, gynaecology, pediatry and radiology specialists keeping watch in their own units. Our physicians from other specialities can reach the Emergency service, which serves with a complete multidisciplinary understanding, very swiftly when necessary to serve for patients. Physicians and healthcare personnel specialised in their fields provide preliminary treatment and observation services in the emergency and observation room equipped with advanced technologic devices.

The entire tests and radiologic examinations can be performed and provided for 24 hours in a swift way. Additionally, preliminary interventions and examinations can be performed thanks to our equipped rooms. Patients subjected to their preliminary examinations in the Emergency may be transferred to the relevant medical department if necessary.

Emergency Service of our Hospital has a trauma room, a resuscitation room, a small intervention room, and an examination room. Patients can be transferred to the hospital quickly and securely by ambulances for 24 hours uninterruptedly. Easy access from the emergency to the intense care unit and operation theatres provides the opportunity to treat every urgent patient in all branches.