Brain-nerve and medulla surgery medicine deals with the surgery diseases of the brain, spinal cord and the peripheral nerves distributed across our body which is called the central and peripheral nerve system. Current technologic opportunities have also become important lately even though the importance of the experience of physicians specialised in brain-nerve and medulla surgery branches is still more important and new information and technologies to assist physicians in the treatments of patients keep being developed each passing day. Okan University Hospital Neurosurgery Department has the necessary technology and equipment and physicians and other healthcare personnel follow the worldwide innovations and strive to have them applied in our country, too. As a hospital of an educational institution, we are aware of the fact that our studies are primarily for people and we work in conformity with other neurologic branches such as neurology, neuroradiology, neuro anaesthesiology, psychiatry…
We treat especially the following diseases at our Hospital’s Neurosurgery centre:
Neurosurgery treats the following diseases:
- Benign and malignant brain and cerebral cortex tumours
- Spinal cord tumours
- Peripheral nerve entrapment (such as carpal tunnel, ulnar gutter syndrome)
- Peripheral nerve and nerve sheath tumours
- Herniated disc and cervical discal hernia (treatment with microsurgery and endoscopic surgery)
- Spinal stenosis
- Diseases impairing the spinal structure and balance (such as lumbar spondylolisthesis/spine slippage…)
- Traumas affecting the nervous system (head and spinal injuries, nerve injuries..)
- Pediatric neurosurgery (innate spine and spinal cord gaps (such as meningocele, myelomeningocele), hydrocephaly, craniosynostosis, childhood tumours…)
- Treatment of cerebral haemorrhage and cerebrovascular diseases (intracranial aneurysm, arteriovenous malformations, cavernomas…)
- Functional neurosurgery (surgical treatments of movement disorders especially Parkinson's (such as the attachment of a brain stimulator)) treatments
- Epilepsy Surgery (for patients who cannot be treated with medicines or are more likely to benefit from surgical treatment)
- Surgical treatment of suitable spastic patients (locating baclofen pump, applying nerve stimulator etc.)
- Minimal invasive surgical operations applied for pains (facet blockage, intradiscal electrotherapy, cordotomy, rhizotomy,…)
- Surgical treatment of neck vein occlusions (such as carotid stenosis)
- Treatment of diseases causing adult hydrocephalus (such as normal pressure hydrocephalus)