Conditions That Renal Lithiasis Patients Should Pay Attention

If you have pain complaints, the cause may be renal calculus !
The most well-known finding of kidney stone disorders is pain. Pain occurs as a result of the fact that the stone mildly or completely blocks the flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder. This pain is sometimes felt to be mild, and sometimes severe enough to require hospitalization of the patient. Most of the time, this pain, which is felt between 20 minutes and 1 hour, develops under the ribs, in the back area or in the lower abdomen and can go down to the groin area. Many conditions, such as nausea, vomiting, the need to urinate frequently, a burning sensation and tightness during urination, are factors that accompany pain. All this may show that the stone is moving or falling.
Kidney stones can occur without symptoms…
Kidney stones can sometimes also be observed without any symptom. Kidney stones that have no symptoms are usually detected by diagnosing the presence of stones in radiological examinations for a different reason.
How are kidney stones detected?
Ultrasound is used primarily for the diagnosis of stone diseases. Ultrasound, which is used as the first method, especially in pregnant women, children and people who are inconvenient to be exposed to radiation, may not always be enough. A non-drug computed tomography scan may be required to detect stones that are too small or have come out of the kidney and fallen into the canal. Thus, 3D images can also be performed to plan the operation to be performed.
What Are The Conditions That Renal Lithiasis (Kidney stone) Patients Should Pay Attention?
Kidney stone disease, even if it is treated, is a health problem that should be followed and taken care of throughout lifetime. Therefore; It is very important for patients to acquire the habits necessary for a healthy life and to consult a doctor regularly in order to prevent the risk of recurrence of the disease. We have explained the recommendations that patients with stones or who have completed treatment should pay attention to as follows:
- At least 2.5 liters of water should be consumed daily. This consumption should be evenly distributed throughout the day.
- Mediterranean-type diet programs with a predominance of nutrition and protein restriction should be organized and these programs should be followed.
- For a healthy life, you should gain the habit of sports and exercise regularly.
- As much as possible, you should stay away from the stress caused by daily life and make time for activities that will prevent you from experiencing stress.
- Doctor's checks should not be missed. Blood tests and ultrasound examination to be performed during this process are important keys in following the process.
- An alternative treatment option that the doctor does not recommend should not be used.
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