Testicular Diseases

Varicocele Disease and Its Symptoms
Varicocele is called veins located on the ovarian sac's edge. Approximately 15% of men have varicocele disease. It is the name of the condition where vena is dilated. Its symptoms are as follows;
- Pain in the testicles
- Fullness in the testicles
- The occurrence of shrinkage
- Infertility
- The dilated veins become visible
- Formation of large palpable veins
Hydrocele Disease and Its Symptoms
Increasing the amount of fluid in the membranes surrounding the testicle is called the accumulation of too much water in the testicular sacs. In general, between the testicles and the membranes surrounding the testicles, there are 0.5 – 1 ml of fluid to provide lubrication. This water ratio increases by 100-200 ml when hydrocele is present. Its symptoms are as follows;
- In general, it seems that there is no pain
- No fluid loss when lying down or pushing
- Light transmission of the sac
- Formation of swelling in the sacs
- Feeling liquid when touched
- The presence of inflamed fluid leads to pain.
Spermatosel Disease and Its Symptoms
Spermatocele is the formation of small and painless masses on the testicle. By being followed up, it can be removed by surgery as a result of its very growth.
- The pain is not felt.
- Swelling behind or over the testicle
Orchitis Disease and Its Symptoms
Orchitis is a condition in which inflammation occurs in two testicles. Its symptoms are as follows;
- Swelling in the testicles
- Moderate to severe or intense pain
- Feeling of discomfort when sitting
- Excessive sensitivity in the testicles, one or both
- Nausea
- Increase in temperature to 40 degrees
- Observation of discharge in the penis
Epididymitis Disease and Its Symptoms
It is an inflammation of the epididymitis region located in the testicle. Epididymitis is a tube-shaped extension on top of the testicles and is the part that allows sperm cells to be stored and transported. This infection can be seen as chronic and acute. Its symptoms are as follows;
- Tremble
- Nausea
- Seeing a palpable mass
- The observed mass is at first hard and then softens.
Testicular Torsion Disease and Its Symptoms
It is not a very common disease. The blood may become unable to feed the testicle. It is called the state of torsion of blood-carrying vessels. Its symptoms are as follows;
- The appearance of pain
- The risk of gangrene
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